
Round the Way

So I get an email from my stylist (shout out to Tish and social butterfly) and she wants me to find this shirt that says "Fendi bag and a bad attitude"...so i got on it...AND I FOUND IT

Not only did i find the tee...i found out that there's something on the BACK too.  Anyway the shirt is by the clothing company darkhorse; check em out.  AND, speaking of "around the way;" theres only a few places you can cop this shirt in the world; i suggest solemates in Chicago; you can even call in and make orders 773-327-7782...tell em we sent you.  OH YEA...if you dont know what all the rave is about the words on this tshirt..KILL YO'SELF...PAUSE...watch the video first, and if you still don't get it; proceed with the suicide.

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