
do you still believe?

Dr. King's last speech (the night before he died)

IIn that speech Dr. King spoke like a man that knew his time here on earth was limited, but one who had faith in the ability of people to make change...have we disappointed him?

The observation of Martin Luther King Jr's birthday is upon us again; and that's about all I can really say. Of course there will be breakfasts and marches and symposiums about "the dream" and the man in all honesty, for most people, tomorrow just signals a 3 day weekend where most people will take the opportunity to indulge in their vices for an extra day before returning to the "grind." What does this have to do with "the dream?" In all honesty, I think that those still trying to make this dream come true should celebrate the legacy of Dr. King by working harder...not by taking a day off. Tyranny doesn't take a day off, fascism, racism, sexism, classism, bigotry, elitism...they don't take a day off, so if you're fighting those things; you shouldn't either. I honestly think the holiday should be repealed but that's a whole nother blog for a whole nother time. But as always I will issue the readers a challenge for this holiday. Educate yourselves; learn about the Dr. King and the people who helped him in his endeavors who are never even mentioned. Not taking away from him, but nobody achieves greatness alone. Also, listen to some of his speeches and read some of his letters. Besides being a wonderful orator and writer, his views are wonderful. Also read about Dr. King. He has a legacy now, so people have begun to demystify him AS WE SHOULD.

Really I'm challenging you to just be productive if you really want to honor the legacy of Dr. King


its just as much true as it is funny

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