
whats your addiction?

So...down here in Texas (where they say howdy, whoop, and gig 'em), I got word that they were auditioning people for a new sneakerhead tv show called "kickin' it." I figured, I'm a shoe in (pun intended) to make it because...im a sneakerhead...and I'm a girl. That should make me different from the majority of sneaker heads right? Well, I sent in my application and I didn't hear anything back. Now initially, I was dissapointed like...c'mon how could they not pick ME...but then I saw this preview.

Now I understand why I wasn't picked for the show...am not on that level. You have guys with over 200 pairs of sneakers, I make an effort to keep my collection under 50. Hell, my name is CHARITY... I don't feel like I'm living up to my namesake if I dont give away at least 3 pair of sneakers each year; so I'm pretty much sabotaging my collection. Watching this preview helped me realized that hey...I'm not THAT bad (just like an addict to justify their habit). But...with the hopes that I never get this way...I'm checkin myself into detox.


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